Scientific developments need to be followed by every single person from around the world as you never know when you may learn about something that is useful. It is vital that you are informed so that you can overcome situations that are difficult. One of the scientific developments that are tremendous for a couple is IVF (in vitro fertilization). While some parents are lucky enough to have absolutely no problems, some couples fight hard in order to have a baby. Some may never even have one. IVF stands out as a way to become pregnant, one that already helped thousands of couples from around the world.
What Is IVF?
The IVF process is really easy to understand. You would go to a clinic like CRGH IVF and have an egg fertilized with the use of the partner’s sperm while outside your body. Everything happens in a highly controlled lab environment. This is the process that is actually known as in vitro fertilization since “in vitro” basically means GLASS in Latin. We call it that since the early experiments were carried in Petri dishes, beakers, test tubes and glass dishes. Nowadays IVF is a biological experiment that is carried outside the human body.
To put everything as simple as possible, IVF is a treatment that a couple goes through when there is a problem in baby conception. We see this procedure as being a final option for a couple that already tried the other conception methods.You will also hear a lot about assisted reproductive technology. This is basically the same thing, although it incorporates other procedures that may be possible, not just in vitro fertilization. In IVF we see the woman being monitored. When ovulation happens, eggs are removed. On egg or 2 are then placed close to sperm so that fertilization is allowed. This is known in medicine as natural cycle IVF since women are permitted to naturally form eggs.
The last step of this procedure is the one that is really important. A fertilized ovum will be inserted inside the uterus of a woman and it will then attach to its lining. A fertilized egg would then start to mature, eventually turning into a fetus.
IVF is not a new procedure. It appeared in 1978 and has constantly evolved till then. While when it initially appears it was highly controversial and the success rates were not great, nowadays this is not the case anymore. We are looking at a technique that almost always works. Everything depends on many factors though.
What you need to remember about in vitro fertilization is that this is an option you should take into account in the event you cannot conceive through a regular approach. The doctors will tell you if you are a good candidate after some tests are done. Remember that success rates do increase when you opt for the services of a clinic with a lot of experience. Never choose while solely thinking about the price you are about to pay. Sometimes it is better to pay more since that would increase success rates.