Stopping the ringing ears
Tinnitus is a temporary condition caused due to misinterpretation between brain and ear cells. Our ears can bear the sound of more than 85 dB for at least 15 minutes. Post this there are chances that the tiny hairs present in ear responsible for vibrations are at risk of getting damaged. Once they get hurt, they take time to recover, and until then, they keep fooling the brain cells, and brain cells keep responding to the message by producing the sound and causing ringing in our ears.
Protecting ears and letting the ear damage recover faster is the only way to control the ringing of ears. The quick and easy remedies that can be done to reduce the ringing include not exposing to loud music again, distracting the brain in some other activities, or simply putting on some white noise. Besides the remedies, one can consider a Sonus complete supplement that can regulate the circulation in the inner ear.
Do Lipo-Flavonoid supplement can stop ear ringing
The ingredients present in Lipo-Flavonoid contain vitamins B-3, B-6, B-12, and C, which are proven for ear health benefits. The ingredients and vitamins present in Lipo-Flavonoid are found to improve the blood circulation and work towards the cause of tinnitus. Further, the additional ingredient melatonin present in specially designed Lipo-flavonoids helps in relieving the tinnitus and regulating sleep too. Ringing in ears is majorly experienced during silent hours or specifically when one is trying to sleep.
Studies suggest that Lipo-flavonoids have shown a reduction in symptoms of tinnitus and increase ear health. Even though Lipo-Flavonoid is recommended for patients with extensive tinnitus, it can be used to treat temporary ear ringing too. The active ingredients present in the supplement can help to give relief to the ear ringing.
The lipo-flavonoid does not eradicate tinnitus, but it works towards increasing ear health because of its main ingredient lemon flavonoid extract containing Eriodictyol Glycoside and other flavonoids. These extracts work towards improving ear health and increasing the blood flow and helps in reducing the ear hearing damage due to loud noise. The temporary tinnitus usually gets cured on their own, and Lipo-Flavonoids can help to regulate the flow and make recovery faster. At the same time, extensive damages leading to ringing ears or tinnitus can need treatment or specially designed Lipo-Flavoinoids to control sleep or wake times disturbed by the ringing ears.