HAVS or hand-arm vibration syndrome is a condition that many different people can experience. Depending on your type of work and daily routines, you may be a prime target for HAVS. Take a look at the following signs and symptoms that go hand-in-hand with HAVS.
Who’s at Risk?
What do you do for a living? Depending on your type of work, you may have or be in the range of people who will have HAVS. People that can be exposed to hand-arm vibration syndromes include, but are not limited to those that use concrete breakers, grinders, hammer drillers, sanders and disc cutters.
Manufactures are also at risk, as are those who work with hedge trimmers, bush cutters, and lawn mowers. In all reality, anyone who is exposed to any type of vibration at work could eventually suffer from hand-arm vibration syndrome. You should always report any and all signs of HAVS to your employer immediately.
What are the Signs?
There are different signs or symptoms that should be recognised as potential HAVS. For example, the number one symptom that you’re suffering from hand-arm vibration is a temporary tingling and/or numbness of the fingers. If you are experiencing this, then you should contact your employer and doctor.
Other symptoms include, but are not limited to: not being able to feel things with your fingers, loss of strength in your hands and white fingers when cold or wet.
After an Accident
The list above is usually considered to be early warnings or signs; there are known, more developed symptoms that appear once you have already been exposed to and experience HAVS.
The different symptoms that occur once you have been diagnosed with HAVS are permanent numbness in your fingers and hands, difficulty griping small objects, vibration white finger in multiple fingers, and more.
Post-Accident Claims and Compensations
If you are suffering from hand-arm vibration syndrome due to an accident or occurrence at work, then you may be entitled to some compensation, whether it is for the injury itself or medical bills.
When it comes to post-accident claims and compensation packages, you will most likely need a professional lawyer to assist you with your case. Consider Injury Lawyers 4U, as this team can assist with any and all injuries that have taken place at work or on the job.
If you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, then it’s very important to take action and defend yourself. Filing an accident or personal injury claim may seem like a hassle, but you deserve to be compensated for the damages that have been caused, whether physically, mentally or financially.
Unfortunately, many of the symptoms that run parallel with hand-arm vibration syndrome are not reversible and if the symptoms are ignored, then they will only get worse. In fact, your hands could potentially fail to work properly in the future after experiencing HAVS. Never ignore what your body is experiencing.
This is a guest post by Callum Anderson, a freelance writer who shares his thoughts about health law-related topics on various blogs.