Chiropractic is basically based on the fact that human body is a self healing system. These functions are controlled by the important organs like the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system of our body. The skull is the protection for the brain, the vertebra is the protection for the delicate nerves connecting our body and the nervous system is like the network, which passes and receives the message to control all voluntary and involuntary movements and functions.
The chiropractors or the physicians who practice chiropractic call this a vertebral subluxation complex. The chiropractors focus on increasing the strength of your nervous system by restructuring the spinal alignment, which in turns improves the functioning of the nervous system. This results in increasing the body’s natural ability to heal itself and function correctly.
Dr. Sean Clark is a Newport, CA based chiropractor, who has more than 8 years of experience in chiropractic. His initiative known as the Newport Beach chiropractic is a pioneering institution for healing people from the common problems of neck and back pains.
The chiropractic adjustment methods, followed by Dr. Clark have helped many to gain the agility and mobility they wished for. The treatment methods help in increasing blood circulation in the body, reduces swellings, and removes pain. Once the nervous system begins to perform in the right manner, your body starts the natural healing process, since all the right materials are directed to right places. This is something perhaps even the prolonged drug dosage could not achieve.
Chiropractic specializes in finding the treatment through body adjustments. A bare hands approach or an art form which directs the nervous system and giving mobility to joints. Since hands are used as the main mode of treatment, some might think of it as a type of body massage and also because it’s the joints which are mostly benefited. But, chiropractic is more than that, it is all about reviving your body and making it accustomed to the natural healing process, like it happens with all other animal and plant species.